Photo:  Lipka

Hilary Lipka




  • Ph.D. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University 2004


Hilary Lipka has been teaching in UNM’s Religious Studies Program since 2009. She has taught courses in Western Religions, Sex and Religion, Biblical Law, Gender and the Bible, Sexuality and the Bible, and Modern Occult and Contemporary Paganism. She holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University, and her research focuses primarily on issues related to gender and sexuality in the Hebrew Bible. She is the author of Sexual Transgression in the Hebrew Bible (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2006) and co-editor (with Bruce Wells) of Sexuality and Law in the Torah (Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2020). She is currently working on a chapter entitled “Taboo Professions: Hebrew Bible” for the Routledge Handbook of Marginalization in the Bible and an article about purity, holiness, and the military camp in Deuteronomy. Her recent publications (in addition to Sexuality and Law in the Torah) include "Queen Jezebel's Masculinity" in Hebrew Masculinities Anew (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2019), "Women, Children, Slaves, and Foreigners" in the Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law (Oxford University Press, 2019), and “Shaved Beards and Bared Buttocks: Shame and the Undermining of Masculine Performance in Biblical Texts” in Being a Man: Negotiating Ancient Constructs of Masculinity (Routledge, 2017).  

Recent Publications

Recent publications include "Queen Jezebel's Masculinity" in Hebrew Masculinities Anew (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2019), "Women, Children, Slaves, and Foreigners" in the Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law (Oxford University Press, 2019), and “Shaved Beards and Bared Buttocks: Shame and the Undermining of Masculine Performance in Biblical Texts” in Being a Man: Negotiating Ancient Constructs of Masculinity (Routledge, 2017).